17.10.2020 -12.12.2020   Exhibition / Casa Testori, Milan

Meristà is the new exhibition that will open at Casa Testori on October 17, 2020 within the series dedicated to contemporary art called ‘Pocket Pair’ curated by Marta Cereda. It presents the work by visual artists Ilaria Turba and Fatima Bianchi curated by Giulia Zorzi.

The exhibition triggers a dialogue between the artists through the different rooms of the house, taking into account the history of the place and the people who lived here. Drawing inspiration from personal and family life, Ilaria Turba and Fatima Bianchi rework their own memories, interweaving different languages.

The exhibition is completed by a common work on the photographic archive of the Testori family: a selection of images presented in an intertwined reinterpretation by the artists. Memory as a fertile and generative ground, a place of discoveries and revelations.

“Meristà” is a word we made up. It stems from ‘meristem’, a type of tissue found in plant that consists of undifferentiated cells capable of cell division.  It is also a tribute to Giovanni Testori, great inventor of his own language.


Opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday: 10AM – 1PM | 2.30 – pm – Saturday: 2.30 – 7.30pm

Closed on Sundays and Mondays  /  Entrance: free | tel. +39.0236586877